Moving Kids & Teens From Anxiety to Resilience

Holy Spirit Parish & School Community invites PARENTS, TEACHERS and FRIENDS to a special event on Friday evening 6th September 2024: Moving Kids & Teens From Anxiety to Resilience

Please join us for social evening with impact. Hear from three amazing guest speakers, learn new ways to help your family, catch-up with friends and make new connections in our community

Dr. Jodi Richardson is one of Australia's thought leaders in managing anxiety and amplifying well-being.
Samantha Jansen author of ‘A Renewed Life’ is a single mum and woman of faith who is happy to share why and how it matters.
Mary Ryan, parishioner and PPC member who works for the Archdiocese of Melb, speaks about "Finding Hope in the Mess."

Friday 6th September 7.30 – 9.30PM
Holy Spirit Parish Centre
120 Oban Road,
Ringwood North
VIC 3134


Wine & Cheese Supper - All Welcome

Bookings are essential:

Here is the event flyer should you wish to print it off and/or share with friends.