Holy Spirit Parish & School Community invites PARENTS, TEACHERS and FRIENDS to a special event on Friday evening 6th September 2024: Moving Kids & Teens From Anxiety to Resilience
Please join us for social evening with impact. Hear from three amazing guest speakers, learn new ways to help your family, catch-up with friends and make new connections in our community
Dr. Jodi Richardson is one of Australia's thought leaders in managing anxiety and amplifying well-being.
Mary Ryan, parishioner and PPC member who works for the Archdiocese of Melb, speaks about "Finding Hope in the Mess."
Friday 6th September 7.30 – 9.30PM
Holy Spirit Parish Centre
120 Oban Road,
Ringwood North
VIC 3134
Wine & Cheese Supper - All Welcome
Bookings are essential: https://www.trybooking.com/CUQFL.
Here is the event flyer should you wish to print it off and/or share with friends.