Our High Spirits group is for families with children who attend non-Catholic schools but who still wish to complete Catholic sacraments. To enrol in the program there is an expectation that families will attend Mass regularly and in particular that the children will take part in Children’s Liturgy, at either 6.00pm Saturday night Mass or 10.30am Sunday morning Mass. The High Spirits sacramental classes are run after school on Monday afternoons. Sacraments are celebrated with the Holy Spirit School children and for each program we join with the Holy Spirit school families for an information night and a children’s workshop, the remainder of our classes are taught in the Parish House.

Rite of Acceptance
School aged children wishing to be baptised will need to participate in a series of lessons which will introduce the children to prayer, bible stories and Catholic traditions.

Children will need to be in Grade Three or above to participate in our Reconciliation program. Reconciliation is held in November.
Children will need to be in Grade Four or above to participate in our Eucharist Program. First Eucharist is usually held at the end of August. Click the booklet image to see an example of the booklet prepared for the First Eucharist Mass.
Children will need to be in Grade Six or above to participate in our Confirmation Program. Confirmation is usually in May or June.