Contribution by "Donation Point Tap"

This approach may have some attraction if you do not wish to make a commitment to providing regular support and/or wish to make effectively anonymous contributions electronically. Features of using this approach are:

  • There's no bank fee to you or the parish.
  • As there's no automation of the payment involved, this approach relies on your church attendance (but not necessarily mass, i.e. the "Donation Point Tap" terminal can be used any time the Church is accessible) and "catching up" after periods of absence such as holidays or sickness.
  • You cannot nominate a ratio of your contribution between Presbytery and Sacrificial Offering. A 50:50 split is applied to the "Donation Point Tap" collection.
  • Note: The "Donation Point Tap" terminal may be configured for special occasions for other purposes such as different fund raising activities. Please note the signage near the terminal and on the display to ensure your contribution will go to the fund you prefer.

Payments are taken via Quest Payment Systems,

Funds drawn from your account / charged to your card will show on your statement as something like "QUEST PAYMENTS" (depending on your bank).

Thank you for making a contribution to the work of your parish.